FActs! for your fertility!

Find out what you know about the aspects of health and lifestyle that can affect your fertility in the future!
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Have you heard? Our favorite singer is expecting a baby and the concert is cancelled!

Oh, isn’t she too old for that? I wonder if it’s easy to have a baby when you want to?

If a woman aged 25-35 is trying for a baby, what are her chances for pregnancy after 1 month?

Select one answer you think is true

What is fertility?

  • This is the ability to conceive a baby.

What is infertility?

  • We talk about infertility when trying for a baby for 12 months with no success. Infertility can also be diagnosed without trying for a baby if there are specific medical conditions.

Do the chances of getting pregnant change as men and women get older?

Slide each scale to the correct answer



Women: Women are born with all their eggs. The quality and quantity of eggs decrease with age – there is a sharp drop after 35 and an even sharper one after 40 years of age.

Men: Male fertility is also affected by age. The sperm quality and motility start to decrease after 40 years of age.

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Hey guys, do you think that smoking or alcohol are bad for our fertility?

Do you think that smoking or alcohol are bad for your fertility?

Please, select one answer for each



In men, alcohol can lower testosterone levels and decrease sperm counts. In women, alcohol can prevent conception and is linked to early pregnancy loss.
In men, smoking and vaping damage sperm and decrease sperm count and motility. In women, smoking and vaping damage eggs and decrease their quality.

I’ve read that some sexually transmitted infections can damage our fertility. Do you know which?

Select as many answers as you think are true

Sexually transmitted infections (STI) can damage the human reproductive organs. STI are spread through sex, usually if a condom is not used. If these diseases are diagnosed and treated early, the permanent damage to fertility can be avoided. However, any delay might lead to irreversible damage.

How do I know if I have a STI? If you are in doubt, you should get tested. The best way to protect yourself is to always use a condom.

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Is body weight a risk factor for fertility?

Is body weight also a risk factor for fertility?

Select as many answers as you think are true

Obesity in men can lead to poor sperm quality. In women it can lead to ovulations (and, as a result, menstrual periods) occurring less frequently or stopping altogether. Severely underweight women can experience the same problems as women with obesity, such as ovulations and menstrual periods occurring less frequently or stopping altogether.

Does too much exercise affect fertility?

Excessive physical exercise is not good for the body. In women this can lead to a longer menstrual cycle and even a stop in periods. There are indications that intense physical exercise might be bad for sperm quality in men.

Can the use of narcotic drugs or bodybuilding steroids affect fertility?

Slide each scale to the correct answer

Narcotic drugs:

Bodybuilding steroids:

Narcotic drugs can suppress ovulation in women. Marijuana causes low sperm count, damage sperm motility and quality in men. Even occasional use of cocaine permanently damages the sperm quantity and quality. If your doctor has prescribed you a medicine with similar effect, it is good to discuss the effect of the medicine with them.

Anabolic steroids taken to increase muscle mass lower the production of testosterone and can cause infertility in men. While this effect is usually reversible,in some cases the damage may be irreversible.

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Hey, why are you so sad?

Well, you know, we’ve been trying for a baby for quite a long time, but it’s not happening… I wonder what we should do…

What can your brother and his wife do?

Select the one answer you think is correct

Infertility may be very stressful for the couple, but just relaxing or taking vitamins will not treat it. The way to diagnose the causes of infertility and to treat this condition is to seek help from a fertility doctor.

Do you know when a couple who can’t have a baby should seek medical help?

Select the one answer you think is correct

The couple should seek medical help after trying for 1 year without success. If the woman is older than 35 years, the couple is recommended to see a fertility specialist already after 6 months of trying to conceive. If there are some known medical conditions, it’s better to see a doctor even sooner. Same sex couples and single women may seek medical help when they want to have children.

In about 30% of infertility cases the cause is female-related, in about 30% of cases it is male-related and in the remaining 30% of cases there are both female and male causes for infertility. 15 to 20% of people of reproductive age in Europe experience infertility.

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